MEC Albert Fritz joins handover of R6.5-million Groot Brak Youth Café

The Western Cape Social Development MEC, Adv. Albert Fritz, joined the CEO of Petro SA, Mr. Kholly Zono to hand-over of the Groot Brak Youth Café to the Mossel Bay municipality.

The Groot Brak Youth Café is a state-of-the-art R6.5-million facility, and brings the total number of Youth Cafés in the province to seven.

The Youth Café was built, equipped and furnished by Petro SA under the design guidance of the Department of Social Development. The operations were today handed over to the Mossel Bay municipality, which was represented by Mayor Harry Levendal.

As envisioned in the Provincial Youth Development Strategy, this Youth Café will provide the youth of Groot Brak who are not in employment, education & training with a space to pursue entrepreneurship, job and education opportunities.

“Youth Cafes are not just a hangout spot for young people, they are the spaces from which capable, confident, skilled and self-reliant youth emerge”, said MEC Fritz. The MEC went on to say, “as a Department we have invested R15.6-million for youth development in the 2017/18 year, and we trust that this youth café will produce the sort of skilled young entrepreneur who can change the face of Groot Brak, and usher in investment and new industries”.

Media Enquiries:
MEC Albert Fritz
Cell: 083 307 0192

Sihle Ngobese
Spokesperson for Albert Fritz, MEC of Social Development
Tel: 021 483 9217
Cell: 076 083 6543

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