Minister Nathi Mthethwa conducts walkabout at Durban Exhibition Centre, 4 May

A walkabout at the ‘Made In Africa For The World’ Design Expo by Minister Mthethwa

The Minister of Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa will be conducting a walkabout at the ‘Made in Africa for the World’ design expo Durban Exhibition Centre (DCC) to meet and greet the young African designers who are showcasing their products along the side-line of the World Economic Forum.

The walkabout will be ahead of the Arts Masterclass by the Living Legend; Ms Esther Mahlangu, a world renowned visual artist who recently partnered with BMW to thread the interior of the latest 7-series with the Ndebele traditional elements.

This is a continuation of the successful Fashion Friday panel discussion and pop-up market that took place on the sideliners of WEF Africa in Kigali, Rwanda in 2016. Media in Africa will be exploring Africa’s Creative Economy with an expanded programme that will focus on Fashion as well as Art & Culture under the theme “Designed in Africa.

Made in Africa. For the World. It will showcase its rich cultural heritage through Fashion, Art, Design and Culture. The expo and the masterclasses will be available to the WEF Delegates throughout the Forum.

The members of the media are invited as follows;

Date: 4 May 2017
Time: 13h45
Venue: Durban Exhibition Centre, Hall 2 East of WEF Registration Centre

Media enquiries:
Sithembiso Ntombela
Cell: 060 965 7413

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